
Layout and Menu

How to Enable

Configure to enable.

// config/config.ts
export default {
layout: {
title: 'your app title',


To further reduce R&D costs, we have integrated the layout as a Umi plugin. With simple configurations, you can have the Ant Design Layout (ProLayout), including the navigation and sidebar. Thus, users don't need to worry about the layout.

  • The default is Ant Design's Layout @ant-design/pro-layout, supporting all of its configuration items.
  • The top navigation/side menu is automatically generated based on the configuration in the route.
  • Default support for 403/404 handling of routes and Error Boundary.
  • Used in conjunction with the access plugin, it can control route permissions.
  • Used in conjunction with the initial-state plugin and data flow plugins, it can display default user login information.

Want dynamic menus? See here Advanced Usage of Menu


Build-time Configuration

The plugin can be enabled through the layout property in the config/config.ts configuration file.

import { defineConfig } from 'umi';
export default defineConfig({
layout: {
title: 'Ant Design',
locale: false, // Default is enabled, can be disabled if menu internationalization is not needed


  • Type: string
  • Default: name in package.json

The product name displayed in the upper left corner of the layout, the default value is the package name.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to start internationalization configuration. After enabling, the menu names configured in the route will be treated as the keys for menu name internationalization. The plugin will look for the corresponding text in the locales file for menu.[key], with the default value as that key, and the value of the name field configured in the route is the corresponding key value. If the menu is a multi-level route, assuming a second-level route menu, then the plugin will look for the corresponding text in the locales file for menu.[key].[key]. This feature requires the configuration of i18n. Can be configured as false to disable if menu internationalization is not needed.

Runtime Configuration

Runtime configuration is written in src/app.tsx, with the key as layout.

import { RunTimeLayoutConfig } from '@umijs/max';
export const layout: RunTimeLayoutConfig = (initialState) => {
return {
// Commonly used properties
title: 'Ant Design',
logo: 'https://img.alicdn.com/tfs/TB1YHEpwUT1gK0jSZFhXXaAtVXa-28-27.svg',
// Default layout adjustments
rightContentRender: () => <RightContent />,
footerRender: () => <Footer />,
menuHeaderRender: undefined,
// Other properties see: https://procomponents.ant.design/components/layout#prolayout

In addition to the plugin's unique configuration supported below, the runtime configuration supports all the build-time configurations and is passed through to @ant-design/pro-layout.


  • Type: string
  • Default: name in package.json

The product name displayed in the upper left corner of the layout, the default value is the package name.

  • Type: string
  • default: Ant Design Logo

The product logo displayed before the product name in the upper left corner.


  • Type: (initialState: any) => void
  • Default: null

Used for the default Layout's UI in runtime configuration, handling the logout click logic, by default no action is taken.

Note: By default, the logout button is not displayed in the upper right corner. It needs to be displayed in conjunction with the runtime configuration app.ts(x)'s getInitialState returning an object.


  • Type: (initialState: any) => React.ReactNode
  • Default: Displays the username, avatar, logout-related components

initialState is the object returned by getInitialState in the runtime configuration app.ts(x).


  • Type: ReactNode
  • Default: Ant Design Pro's error page.

The component displayed after an error occurs.

Extended Route Configuration

The Layout plugin, based on Umi's routing, encapsulates more configuration items, supporting more configuration capabilities. Newly added:

  • Sidebar menu configuration.
  • Layout route level display/hide related configuration.
  • Configuration-style implementation of permission routes by combining with the permissions plugin.

Example as follows:

// config/route.ts
export const routes: IBestAFSRoute[] = [
path: '/welcome',
component: 'IndexPage',
name: 'Welcome', // This notation is compatible
icon: 'testicon',
// For more features see
// https://beta-pro.ant.design/docs/advanced-menu
// ---
// Open in a new page
target: '_blank',
// Don't show the top bar
headerRender: false,
// Don't show the footer
footerRender: false,
// Don't show the menu
menuRender: false,
// Don't show the menu header
menuHeaderRender: false,
// Permission configuration, needs to be used with the plugin-access
access: 'canRead',
// Hide submenu
hideChildrenInMenu: true,
// Hide self and submenu
hideInMenu: true,
// Hide in breadcrumb
hideInBreadcrumb: true,
// Sub-items up, still displayed,
flatMenu: true,


  • Type: string

The name displayed on the menu, if absent, that menu is not displayed.


  • Type: string

The antd icon displayed on the menu, to support on-demand loading, the layout plugin will automatically convert it into an Antd icon's dom. The supported types can be found in antd icon. Examples:

// <HomeOutlined /> Line style
icon: 'home'; // Line style can be abbreviated
icon: 'HomeOutlined';
// <HomeFilled /> Solid style
icon: 'HomeFilled';
// <HomeTwoTone /> Two-tone style
icon: 'HomeTwoTone';


  • Type: string

When used together with the plugin-access plugin.

The permissions plugin will match the access string configured by the user here with all of the user's permissions. If a matching item is found, and if the value of that permission is false, then when the user visits that route, a 403 page is displayed by default.


  • Type: string

The internationalization configuration for the menu, the internationalization key is menu.${submenu-name}.${name}.


  • Type: boolean

Default is false. When true, this item is only hidden in the menu, and its sub-items are brought up and still displayed.

Flattening the menu, if you only want the sub-level menu to not display itself, it can be configured to true.

const before = [{ name: '111' }, { name: '222', children: [{ name: '333' }] }];
// flatMenu = true
const after = [{ name: '111' }, { name: '222' }, { name: '333' }];


  • Type: boolean

Setting xxxRender to false, some layout modules can be hidden

  • headerRender=false Do not show the top bar
  • footerRender=false Do not show the footer
  • menuRender=false Do not show the menu
  • menuHeaderRender=false Do not show the menu's title and logo


  • Type: boolean

hideInXXX can manage the rendering of the menu.

  • hideChildrenInMenu=true Hide submenu
  • hideInMenu=true Hide self and submenu
  • hideInBreadcrumb=true Hide in breadcrumb
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